Stripes Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
The Brownsville Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the grand opening of Stripes Convenience Stores' next-gen store located at 7900 Boca Chica Blvd. in Brownsville, TX on Friday, July 21st, starting at 11 AM! This next-gen unit features the company's Laredo Taco Company® with a new store design showcasing the restaurant's fresh, authentic food and a more spacious convenience store and dining experience.
About Stripes Stores:
Stripes Convenience Stores can be found at locations in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Louisiana. In more than 440 Stripes Stores, you can find restaurant service under the Laredo Taco Company® brand.
Connect with Stripes Stores:
Facebook - www.facebook.com/stripesstores
Instagram - instagram.com/stripesstores
Twitter - twitter.com/stripesstores
Date and Time
Friday Jul 21, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
7900 Boca Chica Blvd.,
Brownsville, Texas
Open to the community!