SOLD OUT: Women In Leadership Luncheon Presenting the ATHENA International Award Ceremony
Hosted annually, the Women In Leadership Luncheon showcases a powerful group of female leaders highlighting the evolving role of women professionals and small business owners. The objective is to motivate women of all ages and backgrounds to aspire to leadership positions and contribute to the development of the community.
This year, the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the first annual ATHENA Award in Brownsville, Texas. Nominees in the following categories will be recognized at the Women In Leadership Luncheon on Tuesday, June 13th, at the Brownsville Events Center.
- ATHENA Leadership Award
- The ATHENA Leadership Award celebrates exemplary leadership and is reflective of a quote by Plato: What is honored in a country will be cultivated there. Over 7,000 Recipients have been honored with the ATHENA Leadership Award since the program's inception in 1982.
- Nominees Include:
- Alexandra Anzaldua, JuiceUs
- Carolina Cadengo, SpawGlass
- Dimple Desai, South Texas Research Institute
- Dalilah Garcia, FemCity Brownsville
- Rita Garcia, Point Isabel Independent School District
- Rosalinda Garza, South Texas Vocational Technical Institute
- Sarah Garza, Driscoll Children's Hospital
- Arely Lugo, Beautiful Beginnings I & II
- Desiree Ricarte, Ricarte Sales Consultants
- ATHENA Young Professional Award
- The ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award actively supports and celebrates the ATHENA mission of supporting, developing and honoring women leaders, inspiring women to achieve their full potential - creating balance in leadership worldwide. The ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award Nominees are 40 years of age or younger.
- Nominees Include:
- ATHENA Organizational Award
- The ATHENA Organizational Leadership Award actively supports and celebrates the ATHENA mission of supporting, developing, and honoring women leaders, inspiring women to achieve their full potential - creating balance in leadership worldwide.
- Nominees Include:
- Brownsville Police Department
- JuiceUs
- South Texas Research Institute
For more information, contact the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce at (956) 542-4341 or email info@brownsvillechamber.com. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Astrid Rosales at membership@brownsvillechamber.com or at (956) 542-4341 to speak about the various opportunities to showcase your business.
About the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce:

The Brownsville Chamber of Commerce is a member-driven business organization whose principal mission is to advance the business interests of its members through leadership, civic engagement, promotion, support, and advocacy.
Photography Disclaimer:
When you enter or attend an event or program conducted by the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce, you enter an area where photography, audio and video recording may occur.
Date and Time
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM CDT
Registration: 11:30 AM
Program: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Brownsville Events Center
1 Events Center Blvd.,
Brownsville, TX
Single Ticket - $50 per person - Two reserved tables with premium seating (16 tickets) - EXCLUSIVE: Naming rights for the event and inclusion of logo on all event materials (Title Tier) - EXCLUSIVE: Opportunity for sponsor to speak at event - EXCLUSIVE: Front row, center seating at event - EXCLUSIVE: Featured in newspaper advertising for the event - EXCLUSIVE: Video or flyer advertisement produced by your organization to be projected to big screen(s) prior to keynote - EXCLUSIVE: Full page color ad in program - EXCLUSIVE: Host a tabletop exhibit with your organization’s handouts and materials near the registration area - EXCLUSIVE: One complimentary e-blasts to be sent out to 2,000 contacts - EXCLUSIVE: Organization logo and brief description with a link to your website represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this luncheon (Title Tier) - Recognition as Title Partner on all e-blast communications, social media posts and press releases - Company logo displayed on event webpage (Title Tier) - Sponsorship mentioned in press release - Verbal recognition at podium as Title Partner - Logo featured in all digital signage (Title Tier) - Logo and name recognition on two 50” screens visible at event registration - Program Listing with organization logo and brief description of company (Title Tier) - Invitation to VIP meet & greet with keynote speaker(s)*** - Invitation to complimentary quarterly ‘President’s Circle Breakfast’ honoring all event sponsors for the quarter Presenting Partner - $10,000 (1 Available) - Two reserved tables with premium seating (16 tickets) - EXCLUSIVE: Naming rights for VIP meet & greet event with keynote speaker(s) - EXCLUSIVE: Opportunity for sponsor to speak at VIP meet & greet - EXCLUSIVE: Video or flyer advertisement produced by your organization to be projected to big screen(s) prior to keynote - EXCLUSIVE: Full page color ad in program - EXCLUSIVE: Host a tabletop exhibit with your organization’s handouts and materials near the registration area - EXCLUSIVE: One complimentary e-blasts to be sent out to 2,000 contacts - EXCLUSIVE: Organization logo and brief description with a link to your website represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this luncheon (tier 2 placement) - Recognition as Presenting Partner on all e-blast communications, social media posts and press releases - Company logo displayed on event webpage - Sponsorship mentioned in press release - Verbal recognition at podium as Presenting Partner - Logo featured in all digital signage (tier 2 placement) - Logo and name recognition on two 50” screens visible at event registration - Program Listing with organization logo and brief description of company (tier 2 placement) - Invitation to VIP meet & greet with keynote speaker(s)*** - Invitation to complimentary quarterly ‘President’s Circle Breakfast’ honoring all event sponsors for the quarter Leading Partner - $5,000 - One reserved table with premium seating (8 tickets) - EXCLUSIVE: Organization logo and brief description with a link to your website represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this event (tier 3 Placement) - Recognition as Leading Partner on all communications, social media posts and press releases - Company logo displayed on event webpage (tier 3 placement) - Sponsorship mentioned in press release - Verbal recognition at podium as Leading Partner - Logo featured in all digital signage (tier 3 placement) - Logo and name recognition on two 50” screens visible at event registration - Program Listing with organization logo and brief description of company (tier 3 placement) - Invitation to VIP meet & greet with keynote speaker(s)*** - Invitation to complimentary quarterly ‘President’s Circle Breakfast’ honoring all event sponsors for the quarter Sustaining Partner - $2,500 - 6 event tickets - Recognition as Sustaining Partner on all communications and social media posts - Company logo displayed on event webpage (tier 4 placement) - Verbal recognition at podium as Sustaining Partner - Logo featured in all digital signage (tier 4 placement) - Program Listing (tier 4 placement) - Organization logo represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this luncheon (tier 4 Placement) - Invitation to VIP meet & greet with keynote speaker(s)*** - Invitation to complimentary quarterly ‘President’s Circle Breakfast’ honoring all event sponsors for the quarter Supporting Partner - $1,000 - 4 event tickets - Company logo displayed on event webpage (tier 5 placement) - Verbal recognition from podium as Supporting Partner - Logo featured in all digital signage (tier 5 placement) - Program Listing (tier 5 placement) - Organization logo represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this luncheon (tier 5 Placement) - Invitation to VIP meet & greet with keynote speaker(s)*** - Invitation to complimentary quarterly ‘President’s Circle Breakfast’ honoring all event sponsors for the quarter Contributing Partner - $500 - 2 event tickets - Company logo displayed on event webpage (tier 6 placement) - Verbal recognition from podium as Contributing Partner - Logo featured in all digital signage (tier 6 placement) - Program listing (tier 6 placement) - Organization logo represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this event (tier 6 placement) - Invitation to VIP meet & greet with keynote speaker(s)*** - Invitation to complimentary quarterly ‘President’s Circle Breakfast’ honoring all event sponsors for the quarter *** Contingent on availability of speaker(s)
(Open to members and non-members of the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce)
Title Partner - $25,000 (1 Available)
All sales are final. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Contact Information
(956) 542-4341
Send Email