SOLD OUT: State of the City: Crossroads Edition
The Brownsville Chamber of Commerce and the City of Brownsville invite you to join Mayor Trey Mendez for the State of the City: Crossroads Edition on Thursday, April 21, 2022. In his third State of the City Address, Mayor Trey Mendez will share how the City of Brownsville has accomplished growth, innovation, and a stronger community.
Local businesses, community stakeholders, constituents, and regional leaders are invited to join the in-person event showcasing the accomplishments of the City of Brownsville. Registration opens at 11:00 AM with an opportunity to network prior to the start of the program. For those unable to join us in-person, you can view the address live on the City of Brownsville YouTube channel, youtube.com/user/CityofBrownsvilleTX.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the State of the City: Crossroads Edition, please contact Astrid Rosales at membership@brownsvillechamber.com or at (956) 542-4341 to speak about the various opportunities to showcase your business.
About the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce:
The Brownsville Chamber of Commerce is a member driven business organization whose principal mission is to advance the business interests of its members through leadership, civic engagement, promotion, support, and advocacy.
Event Sponsors
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Registration: 11:00 AM
Program: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Watch the Livestream Here:
Brownsville Events Center
1 Event Center
Brownsville, Texas
Single Ticket - $50 - Naming rights for the event and inclusion of logo on all event materials (title tier) - Opportunity for sponsor to speak at event - Two reserved tables with premium seating (16 tickets) - EXCLUSIVE: Front row, center seating at event - EXCLUSIVE: Featured in newspaper advertising for the event - EXCLUSIVE: Video or flyer advertisement produced by your organization to be projected to big screen(s) prior to keynote - EXCLUSIVE: Full page color ad in program - EXCLUSIVE: Host a tabletop exhibit with your organization’s handouts and materials near the registration area - EXCLUSIVE: One complimentary e-blasts to be sent out to 2,000 contacts - EXCLUSIVE: Organization logo and brief description with a link to your website represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this luncheon (Title logo) - Partner name and logo recognition on event webpage and all social media - Verbal recognition at podium - Recognition as Title Partner in press release - Company logo displayed on event webpage - Sponsorship mentioned in press release - Logo featured in all digital signage - Logo and name recognition on two 50” screens visible at event registration - Two reserved tables with premium seating (16 tickets) - EXCLUSIVE: Video or flyer advertisement produced by your organization to be projected to big screen(s) prior to keynote - EXCLUSIVE: Full page color ad in program - EXCLUSIVE: Host a tabletop exhibit with your organization’s handouts and materials near the registration area - EXCLUSIVE: One complimentary e-blasts to be sent out to 2,000 contacts - EXCLUSIVE: Organization logo and brief description with a link to your website represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this luncheon (tier 2 placement) - Partner name and logo recognition on event webpage and all social media - Verbal recognition at podium - Recognition as Presenting Partner in press release - Company logo displayed on event webpage - Sponsorship mentioned in press release - Logo featured in all digital signage - Logo and name recognition on two 50” screens visible at event registration - One reserved table with premium seating (8 tickets) - EXCLUSIVE: Organization logo and brief description with a link to your website represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this event (tier 3 Placement) - Logo projected to big screen(s) prior to keynote address - Recognition on event signage and program - Verbal recognition at podium - Recognition as Leading Partner on all communications, social media posts and press releases - Company logo displayed on event webpage - Sponsorship mentioned in press release - Logo featured in all digital signage - 6 event tickets - Recognition on event signage and program (tier 4 placement) - Verbal recognition at podium - Recognition as Sustaining Partner on all communications and social media posts - Company logo displayed on event webpage (tier 4 placement) - Logo featured in all digital signage (tier 4 placement) - 4 event tickets - Partner recognition on event page of Brownsville Chamber website (tier 5 placement) - Verbal recognition from podium as Supporting Partner - Program Listing (tier 5 placement) - Organization logo represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this luncheon (tier 5 Placement) - Logo featured in all digital signage (tier 5 placement) - 2 event tickets - Partner recognition on event page of Brownsville Chamber website (tier 6 placement) - Verbal recognition from podium as Contributing Partner - Program listing (tier 6 placement) - Organization logo represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this event (tier 6 placement) - Logo featured in all digital signage (tier 6 placement)
- 1 ticket per attendee (Open to members and non-members of the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce)
Title Partner - $25,000