Despierta Brownsville: Texas Legislature 101
The Brownsville Chamber of Commerce's Governmental Advocacy Committee invites you to attend the Despierta Brownsville: Texas Legislature 101 event on Tuesday, November 29th, from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM.
Business leaders, small business owners, and entrepreneurs are invited to join the conversation on how the Texas Legislature has a major impact on commerce across the State of Texas. With its responsibility to pass the budget and its ability to pass bills affecting commerce, the legislature has a major impact on the state of business in Texas.
Attendees will learn:
- What the Texas Legislature is
- How to engage with legislators
- and what happens after the legislative session
- Texas Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr., District 27
Despierta Brownsville is a quarterly series tackling community issues impacting the City of Brownsville. Stay tuned for more information on the next Despierta Brownsville session in February.
For more information or assistance registering for the event, contact the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce at (956) 542-4341 or email info@brownsvillechamber.com. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for this Despierta Brownsville session, please contact Astrid Rosales at membership@brownsvillechamber.com or at (956) 542-4341 to speak about the various opportunities to showcase your business. Be sure to RSVP in advance. If it's not sold out, it will sell out!
About the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce:
The Brownsville Chamber of Commerce is a member-driven business organization whose principal mission is to advance the business interests of its members through leadership, civic engagement, promotion, support, and advocacy.
Photography Disclaimer:
When you enter or attend an event or program conducted by the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce, you enter an area where photography, audio and video recording may occur.
Date and Time
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM CST
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Historic Alonso Building
510 E. St. Charles St.
Brownsville, Tx 78520
Chamber Member: $25 Per Person - 10 event Tickets - EXCLUSIVE: Naming rights for the event and inclusion of logo on all event materials (Title Tier) - EXCLUSIVE: Organization logo and brief description with a link to your website and social media channels represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this event (Title Tier) - EXCLUSIVE: Opportunity for sponsor to speak at event - EXCLUSIVE: Sponsorship mentioned in press release - Company logo displayed on event webpage (Title Tier) - Recognition a Title Partner on all e-blast communications and social media posts - Verbal recognition from podium as Title Partner - Logo projected to big screen(s) prior to keynote address - Recognition on event signage (Title Tier) - Invitation to complimentary quarterly ‘President’s Circle Breakfast’ honoring all event sponsors for the quarter - 8 event tickets - Company logo displayed on event webpage (tier 2 placement) - Recognition a Leading Partner on all e-blast communications and social media posts - Verbal recognition from podium as Leading Partner - Recognition on event signage (tier 2 placement) - Invitation to complimentary quarterly ‘President’s Circle Breakfast’ honoring all event sponsors for the quarter - 6 event tickets - Company logo displayed on event webpage (tier 3 placement) - Organization logo represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this luncheon (tier 3 Placement) - Verbal recognition from podium as Supporting Partner - Invitation to complimentary quarterly ‘President’s Circle Breakfast’ honoring all event sponsors for the quarter - 4 event tickets - Company logo displayed on event webpage (tier 4 placement) - Organization logo represented on all e-blasts scheduled for this event (tier 4 placement) - Verbal recognition from podium as Contributing Partner - Invitation to complimentary quarterly ‘President’s Circle Breakfast’ honoring all event sponsors for the quarter
Non-Chamber Member: $30 Per Person
Title Partner - $3,500 (1 Available)
Contributing Partner - $500
Contact Information
(956) 542-4341
Send Email