City of Brownsville Public Works Department



About Us

The Public Works Department is tasked with providing core community services and infrastructure maintenance that are key to the growth, health, safety and quality of life for the City of Brownsville. The Department is organized into seven primary Divisions: Building Maintenance, Concrete Construction (sidewalk, curb and gutter maintenance), Greens (forestry, mowing, tree maintenance, resaca maintenance, BBC maintenance, curb maintenance, and emergency standby), Landfill (solid waste handling and disposal, and waste minimization), Administration, Street Maintenance (street pavement management and alleyway maintenance), and Drainage/Stormwater (City ditch maintenance, storm sewer system management, MS4 management).

To sustain these infrastructure maintenance programs is an arduous, complex job that becomes even more of a challenge as the City experiences continual growth. It is, however, a challenge that the Public Works Department fully embraces with a positive and productive approach.

As strong and as resourceful the Public Works Department is, it is still only considered part of a broader effort to make a better Brownsville. We rely on strong collaborations with other City Departments, institutions, agencies, and State and Federal entities to enact change.

To offer the community prompt service, quality workmanship, cost-effective construction and protection of the environment to provide a better quality of life.